
“Unofficial” is a passion project by Petrick Animation Studio that celebrates music and animation. The project founders invite directors to create a short music video for a musician whose music they love, allowing each director to showcase their unique style and vision. Each episode is a reflection of the director's creative vision, from the story and script to the design of the animated character.

Series:    Gus Dapperton  Caroline Polachek  Sevdaliza  Aurora

Aurora — Cure For Me (Official Music Video)

Vova Orlov, director

This is an exaggerated and familiar “friendzone” story: she keeps them around only to boost her self-esteem. Such stories never end well and we wanted to show characters switch roles between being the victim and the tormentor. Just like in real life.

Character of Aurora

Ruslana Mirzaalieva, art director:

I was inspired by Diaghilev’s Russian Seasons and the singer’s image in the “Cure for me” music video. IN the story simps see her as a “queen”. That’s why we gave her a cloak that reaembles a royal robe and a red sofa, which gives her an even more aristocratic look.

Character design by Ruslana Mirzaalieva

Vova Orlov, director

The Aurora puppet exists in 4 different sizes for different angles and has ten interchangeable beaks. Her multiple dresses enhance the perspective on general shots with their bottoms.

Puppet made by Vova Orlov and Olga Fedorova

Bug design

Ruslana Mirzaalieva, art director:

While we had been designing the bugs, we were looking for proportions and attributes that would show them as funny, awkward, and uncool. It was a lot of fun researching and finding the answer: how to convey that the bug is a simp by means of design?

Character’s design by Vova Orlov and Ruslana Mirzaalieva
Puppets made by Vova Orlov and Olga Fedorova


Vova Orlov, director:

I came up with a genius solution for the jock: it’s assembled like a stacking toy, but the pieces look like abs cubes. They reflect the essence of the jock’s coolness and his puppetry at the same time.

2D design by Ruslana Mirzaalieva

Scene design

Olga Fedorova, scene designer:

It was a fairly standard task for me: finding materials, working on scene design. The only new thing was working with a film crew.

Scene design by Olga Fedorova


Gleb Kurochkin, director of photography:

It was important to choose the camera and optics in such a way that the cinematic quality of the picture was not lost, but at the same time there was a sense of fairy-tale character of what was washing, given that we were shooting small objects.

Puppet animation

Anna Pozdeeva, Animator:

The process is nothing like the 3D animation I’m used to. Yes, On the one hand, it’s easier, because the result is visible immediately. but On the other hand, it’s more complicated because you have to think fast, in those few seconds of action, and if one element fails, you need a new take.

Animated by Ilya Buzinov, Anna Pozdeeva and Karina Pogorelova
Thanks to the team for their time and passion

Music Artist


Animation studio


Creative director

Misha Petrick


Vova Orlov

Executive producer

Nadya Petrick

Puppets and rig

Vova Orlov

Olga Fedorova

Lesha Orlov

Danila Novackiy

Valentiva Orlova

Environment design

Sergei Ryzhov

Decoration and props masters

Olga Fedorova

Vera Pavlova

Aleksander Khoivin-Pertaia

Ekaterina Nechaeva

Puppet animation

Katerina Pogorelova

Anna Pozdeeva

Director of Photography

Gleb Kurochkin

Film crew

Mikhail Poteriakhin

Kalashnikov Anton

Suray Alexey

Color grading

Viktor Malygin


Oleg Kulinich

Efim Petelin

Slava Kuryanovich

Special thanks for

Chmut Evgeniy


Tuman studio

Next project

