“Unofficial” is a passion project by Petrick Animation Studio that celebrates music and animation. The project founders invite directors to create a short music video for a musician whose music they love, allowing each director to showcase their unique style and vision. Each episode is a reflection of the director's creative vision, from the story and script to the design of the animated character.
Rita Ivanova, artist
I merged Sevdaliza with an image of a leontocentaur — a creature with cat-like bottom part of the body. Such shape was a very obvious shape for the dutch singer. It connects her real portrait with an imaginary one.
I’m generally very fond of contrasts, so this massive and sometimes edgy character manifests itself through dance-like movements that flow. I tried to create her from elastic lines, elongated forms and gestures, and smooth camera movements.
Liontaurs are a leonine race, inhabiting the lands of Gloriana.
The character finds itself in a cave from an eastern fairytale, where the domes that look like columns made of twisted canvas. It echoes with Iran, the singer’s ancestral homeland.
I prefer to work with black-and-white graphics, lines, contours, simple characters and minimal shades
I wanted to add something controversial towards the end of the script. Some sort of repulsive detail that will unveil her true face: NOM!. Now she’s not only a beatiful, but also a dangerous creature.